Thursday, March 02, 2006

The dark side of the White House

More than 500 men are still held at the US detention facility at Guantánamo Bay. The conditions under which these men are held have forced some of Bush's closest allies to publicly demand the closing of the prison camp. Even the British government has joined the protesters on this one.
"It's the war, stupid" is the standard reply from the Bushies. Under that pretext the current administration is involved in illegal spying on its own citizens, torturing prisoners and killing civilians in foreign countries with poor Muslim populations and rich oil deposits.
After WWII a popular expression in Germany (and in Sweden) was "Wir haben es niemals gewusst". At least, this time, in spite of all the comfortably embedded reporters and Cheney's Fox News, nobody can say they didn't have the facts. The prisoners in Gitmo should either be charged or set free. Their indefinite detention is in violation of international human rights law and the Geneva Conventions:
Human Rights Watch on Gitmo


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