There are similarities between flowers and humans, but some differences make flowers superior as objects of photography: flowers do not carry mobile phones, they (generally) do not move around, and have never been inclined to sneeze or close their eyes facing a camera. Click on the flowers to get the *BIG* picture.
Get a lens with macro capabilities, and you're in business; Nature will provide the rest. It is as easy to take nice photos of flowers as it is hard to take appetizing photos of food. I don't even try that any more... or maybe I'm just too eager to start eating. Why does most food photography look so bad?
Digital gardens will probably be a big thing, people not having money nor land to have real gardens. And you can carry the virtual plants with you as easily as your music collection (iPod), letterboxes (e-mail-account) and diaries and photoalbums (blogs). Smells can be added, and the bugs are there already.
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